With many choosing cashless payment options, where better to store bank cards than with the item that you never leave home without? This slim phone wallet sticks securely to the back of your phone or phone cover with double-sided tape, which won’t cause damage when removed. When branded, it provides excellent exposure for your brand or message.
A pair of wired earbuds and a 3-in-1 charging cable are packaged together in a small, zippered pouch. The cable is suitable for all types of phones, and can charge multiple devices at the same time.
10.3 ( l ) x 9.9 ( w ) cm
melange 300D material
length: 22cm
can connect to all devices: Type-C, Micro USB, and lightning connector
It’s no surprise these incredibly useful and convenient cellphone credit cardholders are our Product Of The Year! Ideal for high-volume handouts – these clever cellphone accessories will ensure your brand is always top of mind.
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